
Introducing XP into Greenfield Projects: Lessons Learned
– IEEE Software 2003

This article shares some of the trials and tribulation with introducing XP into a new organization with no previous agile experience. Of particular interest is the relationship XP plays with traditional QA and testing, as well as how we got developers onboard with practices like TDD and pair programming.


Canadian Workshop on Scaling XP/Agile Methods
– 2003

As XP and other Agile methods gain popularity, questions are beginning to surface regarding how to scale XP beyond teams of 10-12 people. In mid February 2003 a workshop dedicated to the subject was held in Banff Alberta Canada. In this article we report on the keynote speeches from Ken Schwaber, and Martin Fowler, as well as other leading practitioners.

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Long Build Trouble Shooting Guide
– XP/Agile Universe 2004

Excessively long build times severely reduce a teamrsquos ability to apply the XP practice of Continuous Integration. Long build times have a severe impact on team morale, productivity, and project ROI. With the application of techniques described in this Long Build Trouble Shooting Guide, teams will be able to keep their builds from exceeding 10 minutes in length. By keeping builds short, teams will be able to minimize the cost of integration, thereby freeing them to focus on other critical project areas.


Agile Project Initiation Techniques – The Inception Deck and Boot Camp
– Agile Conference 2006

Many agile projects are doomed to fail before they even begin. Most projects fail not because of the technical ability of the team, but because project goals, objectives and context have not been taken into account when forming the project plan. Further, most teams new to agile often lack the basic training required to be successful on their first agile project. Using a lightweight project initiation framework (an inception deck), combined with an agile boot camp, teams can drastically improve their project’s chances of success. This will both ensure more agile projects are delivered successfully, and aid agile’s adoption into the greater software community.


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